Kanaka School Project
Domeabra, Ghana
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Christiana Frimpong, the founder of the project emigrated from Ghana to Europe in 1986 and has worked as a cleaner. She is mother to four children, whom have all pursued Higher Education. In 1997 her father died and she went back to her hometown. With the land she inherited, her life savings and some private donations she started construction of the school.

The school was her way to change the way education was seen in Ghana. She wanted to help children learn to become independent with the right set of skills so they could grow in life. She wanted to fight the habit of teenagers becoming drop outs or becoming pregnant at an early age by encouraging education. She wanted to bring some of the values she had learnt in The Netherlands to bring about change in her home region in Ghana.
The aim of the school is to become economically sustainable in the mid-term and provide quality education at affordable prices- from Day-Care and Primary school until Professional education levelfor children, youth and adults, in a remote rural area where no other similar school operates.

What has been achieved so far
From bare foundations to a finished, working school.
The school is now open to 90 primary school children and read books donated by a fund raiser organized by our friend Yana Kaloshina
We still have a lot to achieve
To provide quality vocational education (nursing qualification) for up to 100 girls in 2016. We need to finish building the dormitories buildings, landscape the property, get accreditation, purchase teaching equipment and launch the vocational training.
A4C has donated EUR 5,000 in 2013 and EUR 10,000 in 2014. We will continue to support the project both financially but also by providing support and guidance.
We need your support
With all the projects we support, there is always more there can be done. Perhaps you have something that can be donated that may help them. This depends from project to project but can include: time, equipment, (school) materials, involvement or long term commitment from you or your company. Contact us if you want to help.