Our story
Our mission is to break poverty cycles by providing quality education to children in developing regions.
Raising Funds and Building a Community of Like-minded People in the Investment Industry
Selecting, Investing in, and Supporting Education Projects.
Ensuring Financial Accountability and Efficient Management for Long-Term Impact.
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Guiding the Mission: Responsibilities of the Board
The Board serves as the bridge between sponsors, volunteers, projects, and stakeholders. They oversee finances, act as legal signatories, and guide A4C’s strategic direction while ensuring effective charity management.
Marjolijn Breeuwer
Geoffroy Vander Linden
Marc de Kloe
Simona Benvenuti
Peter Vermeulen
The Ambassadors play a key role in guiding our activities by offering informal support. They provide insights and connect us with valuable contacts that help advance our mission. Our current team of Ambassadors includes:
Remco Bleijs
Ruud Hendriks
Valérie Reinhold
Hilde Klok
Clayton Heijman
Niels Oostenbrug
Sophie Robé
Alternatives 4 Children UK (A4C UK) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission in the United Kingdom (charity number 1191367). It is affiliated with the Dutch charitable foundation, but has its own governance structure.
Clayton Heijman
Stuart MacDonald
Marc de Kloe.
A4C Long-term Partners
We would not be able to achieve what we do without our generous supporters. We are grateful for the support they have given us.
A4C Partners 2023
We would not be able to achieve what we do without our generous supporters. We are grateful for the support they have given us.
L4L 2022 and 2023 Supporters
We would not be able to achieve what we do without our generous supporters. We are grateful for the support they have given us.
How Are We Helping to Build Brighter Futures through Education?
Education is the key to unlocking potential and breaking the cycle of poverty. At Alternatives 4 Children, we empower communities by providing the tools and opportunities children need to thrive. Together, we can create brighter futures through impactful action.