The AlphaBet Club
Vonisha School, Bangalore, India
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The objective is to foster an exceptional, safe, effective and fun learning environment for 110+ children aged 3 – 5 ½ that live in an urban slum in Bangalore, India. We also provide them with the nutrition they need and are not getting outside of School. We currently have daytime enrollment of over 85 children and after School Program enrollment of 20+ – with attendance targets coming in at 85%. The daytime program had 37 children graduating in April 2015. Our main objective is to raise the percentage of graduating students that continue studying in English Medium School.

A4C donated EUR 36,000 in 2014. Not all of this was used as there was a decline in children due to the move to a new location. However this will be carried over and used in 2015.
Hygiene Program
The first three months of the curriculum is designed to instill health and hygiene habits in a child. This includes 7 steps of hand wash, washing hands before and after eating food, after using the toilet and the first thing to do when children enter school in the morning. Children are also taught to use the tooth brush and tooth paste for the first month when they join the school. Toilet training and table manners are also an integral part. Teachers maintain check lists and check for neatness with clothes, shoes, socks, hair, and clipping nails.
Number of times we estimate we help children wash their hands at school per Quarter (hygiene program) 462 times per child per Quarter (7 times a day for Day Program students)
Food Program
Total Number of meals to date for academic school year (Jun – Apr): 34,053
Breakfast: Milk & Egg,Finger Millet Malt,Boiled Black Chickpea
Lunch: Lentil based stew/Chicken/Vegetable Stew/Spinnach & cottage cheese curry+ Steamed Rice/ Finger Millet Balls+ Carrot cucumber Salad
Education Program
An example of what they have learnt: K4 Math
In January they learned writing numbers from 1-100 and writing even and odd numbers from 1-20. Recognizing and writing the numerals, counting the objects and writing the numerals, matching the number of objects in a set to the correct numeral, coloring the correct number of objects, sequencing the numerals and matching sets to their correct numerals. All these activities were done from the math work book.
We need your support
With all the projects we support, there is always more there can be done. Perhaps you have something that can be donated that may help them. This depends from project to project but can include: time, equipment, (school) materials, involvement or long term commitment from you or your company. Contact us if you want to help.