The Dutch Financial Alternatives Community raises more than € 12,000 for better education for children in Timbuktu and Bangalore
On 19 May over 100 professionals from the Dutch financial alternatives community came together to show their support for the fund raising initiative of the Alternatives 4 Children foundation. During this network event the foundation raised more than € 12,000 for better education of children in Timbuktu and Bangalore.
This support will enable Alternatives 4 Children to contribute to the running costs of two small projects, the Edelweiss school in a slum in Bangalore, India and the Scarab school in a small village outside Timbuktu, Mali. The 118 children who attend these two schools will be able – due to the support of the Dutch financial alternatives community – to continue their education for a longer period.
“We finally established an event around the Dutch Alternatives Community, which allows us to give back to society and positions the industry to be seen as a force for good.” Says Marc de Kloe, Head of Alternative Investments at ABN Amro and co-founder of the Alternatives 4 Children Foundation. “We have created a professional social event, which allows for investors, asset managers and service providers to socialize in a fun way and at the same time to actively be giving back.”
“We are extremely delighted about the contributions of the alternative investment industry for such a great and inspiring initiative as Alternatives 4 Children. And what an excellent mix was set up to turn this into such a great industry event as well!!” Says Remco Bleijs, Director Alternative Investments Group at Ernst & Young Netherlands. “As Ernst & Young it is our Providing alternatives 4 children pleasure to help Alternatives 4 Children pro bono with the legal and tax structuring and the advisory board membership, as part of our wide range of initiatives to sustain the world by stretching our people and knowledge for these kind of corporate responsibility activities.”
“We are extremely pleased with the donations and the support we have received from various financial investment entities and individuals from the Dutch Alternative Investment community”, explains Sophie Robe, Director Jupiter Asset Management and co-founder of the Alternatives 4 Children Foundation. “Their support enables us to drastically affect the lives of 118 children in need, living in Timbuktu and Bangalore, by improving their living conditions and helping them in getting access to education. This is a clear signal that social responsibility and aiding others in need is a priority for many in the investment community.”
This first event is only the beginning! Robeco, Klaver Partners, Deutsche Bank, KPMG, Circle Partners and Custom House are parties that supported the Alternatives 4 Children Foundation by attending the Charity Drinks on 19 May. Ernst & Young, Jupiter, SSARIS, Blackrock, Lyxor, Theta Capital Management, TMF Group, Liongate Capital Management, J.P.Morgan Asset Management and Laven Partners have in addition committed to supporting the forthcoming charity network event; the Alternatives 4 Children Charity Gala on 6 October 2011.